Permanent Fuel Price Hedge
With uncertainty in fuel supplies and the continuing increase in demand, the potential for higher fuel prices cannot be ignored.
Consider the average customer for the following: |
Average Yearly Fuel Savings (gallons per year) |
Additional Savings for a $0.10 Increase in Price per Gallon |
737-700 BW | Up to 110,000 gallons | Up to $11,000 per year |
737-800 BW | Up to 130,000 gallons | Up to $13,000 per year |
757-200 BW | Up to 300,000 gallons | Up to $30,000 per year |
767-300ER BW | Up to 500,000 gallons | Up to $50,000 per year |
This additional savings goes right to the “bottom-line!”